Tuesday 7 June 2016

Ozil explores

Hi, another lovely day at Baboon HQ and no work today so we went for another walk.  Ozil wanted to be n the pictures, and I am sure you will agree that he is the best dressed baboon at HQ.  We drove to Arreton and walked along another disused railway.

You can tell it was a railway because of the railway gates.

We came to Merstone Station, where Ozil was surprised to find that somebody had left their luggage on the platform for so long that it had turned to stone.

There was a little confusion here because Ozil was not sure whether he was following the Troll Trail, or

The Red Squirrel Trail!!  We get red squirrels on the island, no grey ones, but we do not often see them as they are much shyer than the grey ones.  We have never actually seen one on this trail.  However, we have never really seen a troll either.  Or perhaps we have.  Mini-Breeze found one, when he was visiting.

The island is full of rhododendron plants, at the moment, and Ozil likes them a lot.  He found these fine bushes near the car.

Well today is another lovely day and we will go on another adventure.  We are not getting all the things done that we had hoped to this week, but the weather is so nice!!

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